We're part of an international movement of service users, survivors, activists, carers, academics and professionals fighting for more humane, non-coercive mental health services.
People who hear voices, have visions or experience reality in different ways to those around them — and become overwhelmed by their experiences — are often referred to as experiencing ‘psychosis’.
We believe that people can and do recover from such difficulties. And that this recovery can be without, or with much reduced, use of psychiatric drug based intervention. We support the development of drug-free or minimum medication therapeutic environments for people experiencing psychosis.
We are now partners in an NIHR community research project. Alongside service users, trustees will be involved in shaping the design of an ongoing research programme - which aims to explore how the Soteria approach might be developed by the NHS, as an alternative to standard inpatient hospital care.
While we are not currently able to offer guidance or support, we hope you will find the Support & Resources page helpful.