We are a network of people in the UK promoting the development of drug-free or minimum medication therapeutic environments for people experiencing psychosis, mania, or other ‘extreme states’.
We are part of an international movement of service users, survivors, activists, carers and professionals fighting for more humane, non-coercive mental health services.
People who hear voices, have visions or experience reality in different ways to those around them — and become overwhelmed by their experiences — are often referred to as experiencing ‘psychosis’. We believe that people can and do recover from these difficulties. And that this recovery can be without, or with much reduced, use of psychiatric drug based intervention.
Conventional psychiatry tends to regard ‘psychosis’ as arising from a serious mental illness such as ‘schizophrenia’, ‘bi-polar disorder’ or ‘psychotic depression’. We recognise that psychosis can be extremely distressing to the person experiencing it and to those around them. However, we do not necessarily see psychosis as a bio-medical condition that requires set medical interventions. Rather, we see it as an acute personal crisis, marked by a range of extra-ordinary experiences, which may result from a number of factors, including trauma, psychological, neurophysiological, existential, spiritual, social and environmental. And we believe that people can be supported to find meaning in the experience.
Like many other organisations in Europe and America, we draw inspiration from the practices of original Soteria House and the work of Loren Mosher and his colleagues. We continue to look for opportunities to develop and enrich this work, whilst holding to the broader principles of Soteria. You can find more information on the work and philosophy of the Soteria Network in this booklet.
Although the Soteria Network is actively engaged in promoting progressive approaches for people experiencing extreme states, distress, ‘breakdown’ or ‘psychosis’, we regret that we cannot offer personalised guidance or support at this time. We do though hope you will find the support and resources pages here helpful.