by Margaret Turner | July 30th, 2020 | News
Knocking on the doors of psychiatric establishments as Nearest Relative. This article (see link above) is a moving, illuminating and heart breaking account of a mother’s encounters and attempts, as her daughter’s nearest relative, to have her voice heard....
by Margaret Turner | June 26th, 2020 | News
There have been many campaigns for choice and more compassionate approaches to mental health yet little has changed in the psychiatric system. This report may, however, prove ground-breaking, in that it sets out to note and challenge the many harms perpetrated by...
by Margaret Turner | June 20th, 2020 | News
This is an online (zoom) discussion on June 30th (in England, (different for Scotland and Wales) for people with all kinds of experience of systems, whether homelessness, social care, mental health or criminal justice. Please see the website (see in heading) for more...
by Margaret Turner | April 24th, 2020 | News
The Convenor of Bristol Soteria has sent this account of the launch meeting. First Bristol Soteria Network Meeting 29th February, 2020 A small group of us met in central Bristol for our first meeting as a local group. We were all from different backgrounds but shared...
by Margaret Turner | March 29th, 2020 | News
In these physically isolating times we still endeavour to heed E. M. Forster’s advice to ‘only connect.’ There’s much current advice out there too, on how best to cope positively with imposed isolation at home, and I won’t replicate it....
by Margaret Turner | March 20th, 2020 | News
I love this poem by John Clare at this time of year, and hear it in my mind’s ear when I’m on an early morning walk and see the ‘pilewort’, commonly known as celandine, unfurling its petals to the day. A ‘pingle’ is a small enclosed...