We aim to keep alert to developments in the field of mental health and share these through this website. We will cover news relating to policies and practice, research findings, publicly expressed views, regional happenings and national and international events such as conferences.

We are glad and grateful to hear of news to pass on. We’ll try to be comprehensive, however we apologise if we inadvertently miss some items of significance.


Relating to Voices

Eleanor Longden was for a time a valued trustee of Soteria, leaving the role when she needed more time to develop her important research and writing. She is justly famous for her TED talk on 'The voices in my head' (2013) which has now clocked up over 5million...


New Psychotherapy Titles at Bookmark

'Bookmark' have attended our webinars and offered books relevant to the subject at discounted prices. Soteria has just received the following announcement of new titles: New Psychotherapy Titles at Specially Reduced Prices (mailerlite.com)  ...