We aim to keep alert to developments in the field of mental health and share these through this website. We will cover news relating to policies and practice, research findings, publicly expressed views, regional happenings and national and international events such as conferences.

We are glad and grateful to hear of news to pass on. We’ll try to be comprehensive, however we apologise if we inadvertently miss some items of significance.


Extinction Rebellion

I've heard of a 'new' psychological term, 'eco-anxiety'. Well, I've been feeling near 'eco-despair' for a long time, but I discovered Extinction Rebellion via a Guardian article last November. I joined the Exeter group - found some wonderful people - and it's...


Olive Bucknall: An obituary

Olive Bucknall, a well-known campaigner for the reformation of mental health services, has died after a short illness brought on by a series of strokes. She was 97 and until recently had lived at home. Olive’s story formed the basis for the chapter ‘Relatives and...


Light on Paranoia – A Free One Day Conference

This is to let you know about an upcoming event in London called "Light on Paranoia - A Free One Day Conference. Living with, and recovering from, paranoia and overwhelming beliefs" on Monday 27th February 2012, from 10-4.30pm at the Wellcome Collection Conference...